
Post-Surgery / Maternity

Post-Surgery / Maternity

Recover in the comfort of your own home with Post-Operative Care. It is essential that post-operative and post-maternity care is received following surgical procedure. Once discharged from the hospital, the risk for falls and mismanaged medication, as well as pain management needs, can significantly increase. The first few days after surgery can be the most challenging, since there may still be pain, impact from medications, limited ability to walk far, or a need for extra support. We’ll support a person’s recovery through expert care while ensuring that safety and daily tasks are never ignored. Norvantis’ Home Health Aides are ready to help support recovery comfortably at home with personalized services designed to meet individual post-surgery care needs. Home Health Aides are accessible 24/7, have passed background checks, licensed, and are known for being compassionate and professional. Our mission is to give you the peace of mind you and your family deserve.

Post-op caregivers can assist with care needs such as: